Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Top 10: Social Media Tools

In the age of social media marketing, business models are being transformed with the application of apps and tools in order to help business owners become more productive.  Some of the most important tools are those designed for a brand’s social media management.
Social media management apps and tools allow users to manage multiple social media accounts in one dashboard, as well as track engagement and shares of the brand’s social content and mentions.  In addition, a busy business owner can schedule updates of company news, events and announcements in advance using one of these tools.
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Below is a list of 10 tools that we highly recommend for managing all your social media accounts in one place:
10- Crowdbooster
Crowdbooster is a paid social media management tool that only gathers data from your brand’s Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Crowdbooster offers recommendations for the best times to get the most engagement out of your followers and fans. This tool also measures your brand’s total reach, engagements and impressions.
9- SocialFlow
Socialflow is a paid platform for marketers, agancies and pulishers that uses your own and paid content to drive engagement beyond your user base. By, monitoring the users’ behavior in real time, SocialFlow will schedule your messages when users are most likely to consume them.  This app is a great scheduling tool for posting relevant message at the right time to the right audience.
8- Sprout Social
Sprout Social is another paid social media management platform that allows businesses to manage, post, monitor and analyze multiple social media accounts from one dashboard.  Sprout Social allows social media monitoring across Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
7- Bitly
Bitly is a free tool that works across multiple platforms including Facebook and Twitter.  Bitly is able to show you real time anayltics in order to understand your actively engaged audience.
6- Everypost
Everypost claims to be the only social publishing platform that allows you to create, customize and schedule posts to all social networks on-the-go.
5- Shoutlet
Shoutlet is a paid social media platform that allows brands to manage social customer service on top of organizing, planning and executing social content for multiple platforms.
4- Buffer
Buffer offers both paid and free social media managements. By using this powerful tool, you are able to schedule and share contents via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
3- Oktopost
Is a paid B2B social media management platform which differ itself from other platforms by helping you manage content and measures the true business value of your social media marketing. Oktopost manages large-scale content distribution to social media, across all of your profiles, groups and company pages.
2- Simply Measured
Simply Measured gives you an in-depth evaluation of your owned and paid social media campaigns.  Simply measured offers analytics for feeds from different platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Vine and Pinterest.
1- HootSuite
Over 10 million clients use HootSuite, making it one of the most popular social media management tool. They offer free and paid social media management tool for any type of organization.  Businesses can manage their social networks, schedule messages, engage their audiences and measure ROI from their HootSuite dashboard.
Feel free to share with us your favorite social media management tools and apps.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Daniel Suelo, Tomi Astikainen, Heidemarie Schwermer, Mark Boyle.

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Prinsip bisnis dari Warren Buffet.

1. Give your mind some clarity.
“I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business. I do it because I like this kind of life.”

2. Never forget thy business basics.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

3. Know what you're getting into, before you get into it.
"It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price."

4. Be smart -- and realistic.
"I try to buy stock in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them. Because sooner or later, one will."

5. Don't fake it till you make it.
"After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out."

6. Always know who you're dealing with.
"You can’t make a good deal with a bad person."

7. Act with honor and integrity.
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently."

8. Value what's most important.
"Too often, a vast collection of possessions ends up possessing its owner. The asset I most value, aside from health, is interesting, diverse, and long-standing friends."

9. Hit the brakes when you need to.
“The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.”

10. Be bold. Be confident.
“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute. ”

Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

Steve Blank mengajarkan anda bagaimana cara menjadi pengusaha.

Key Points :

1. No matter what business vertical you're entering, serial entrepreneur Steve Blank outlines a few points of necessary focus for the emerging business start-up, including market opportunity, market regulations and distribution, competitors and complimentors, and technology breakthroughs. He notes that the customer is not always the same thing as the payer, and that this bifurcation is creating interesting new business models.

2. Why is it a bad idea to be the first and only player in a market? Steve Blank, serial entrepreneur, outlines a host of reasons, including limited market opportunity, the expense of defining a new market, and the positioning risk involved in setting the market standard. Blank cautions that it may not be wise to be break new ground, and that safer terrain can be found in the footholds of the "first fast follower". Historical examples of this advantage include Amazon, EBay, and Google.

3. In this clip, the difference between vertical markets - niche players serving a specific need or customer set; and horizontal markets - goods or services that enable a platitude of businesses - are defined for the student of entrepreneurship. The needs of start-ups differ dramatically by vertical, says serial entrepreneur Steve Blank. And taking advice from new enterprises in a different market niche can end in disaster. Take heed when receiving advice from friends in a neighboring business vertical.

4. Market risk is the concern that you'll find your customers before you run out of funding. A technical risk asks if the innovation is in place to bring your start-up idea to market successfully. Both of these concerns are paramount for an entrepreneurial venture, says serial entrepreneur Steve Blank, and both have the potential to cause a young business to shutter.

5. Female Stanford students of entrepreneurship ask serial entrepreneur Steve Blank: "How can one balance family life with the demands of the start-up?" Blank advises single people to stay single, and suggests that those with family ties set strict schedules to insure time together. Start-ups can easily take over one's life, he says, and one must be equally diligent in taking time off as working.

6. Stanford instructor and seasoned serial entrepreneur Steve Blank looks back at the commonalities and quirks of the quarter's previous speakers. Blank outlines a thorough checklist of questions and analysis helpful to any new enterprise leader, and offers insight and case studies from industry giants and new technology plays alike.

* All in One - Social Media Service *

  -FACEBOOK services-
1000 Facebook Fan Page Likes = Rp.80.000
1000 Facebook Photo Likes = Rp.80.000
1000 Facebook Status Likes = Rp.75.000
1000 Facebook Followers / Subcribes = Rp.80.000

-TWITTER services-
1000 Followers Twitter = Rp.50.000
 1000 Retweets Twitter = Rp.50.000 1000 Favorites Twitter = Rp.50.000

-INSTAGRAM services-
1000 Followers Instagram = Rp.85.000
 1000 Instagram Likes = Rp.80.000
-YOUTUBE services-
1000 Youtube Views = Rp.75.000
1000 Youtube Likes = Rp.250.000
1000 Youtube Dislikes = Rp.300.000
1000 Youtube Subcriber = Rp.275.000


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Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Pola pikir NLP untuk pebisnis.

NLP saat ini sudah bukan barang baru lagi. Sudah banyak implementasi teknik pengembangan diri ini digunakan dalam bidang hidup manusia tak terkecuali di bidang bisnis.

Ada beberapa 'pengandaian' yang dapat anda terapkan dalam keseharian anda sebagai seorang pebisnis.

  • The Map is Not The Territory (Peta Bukanlah Wilayah)
  • Everyone Lives in Their Own Unique Model of The World (Setiap manusi hidup pada model dunianya yang unik)
  • Experience Has a Structure (Setiap pengalaman memiliki struktur)
  • Life, Mind and Body Are One System
  • The Meaning of a Communication is The Response You Get (Makna dari komunikasi adalah respon yang didapat)
  • Underlying Every Behavior is a Positive Intention (Setiapp prilaku memiliki intensi positif)
  • People Make The Best Choices Available To Them (Manusia membuat keputusan sesuai dengan pilihan yang tersedia)
  • There’s No Such Thing As Failure Only Feedback (Tidak ada Kegagalan, yang ada adalah pembelajaran)
  • If What You Are Doing isn’t Working, Do Something Else
  • We Have The Resources Within Us To Achieve What We Want (Kita memiliki sumberdaya yang kita butuhkan)
  • If One Person Can Do Something, Anyone Can Learn To Do It (Jika satu orang bisa melakukannya, maka yang lain juga bisa)
  • People Work Perfectly (Manusia berkerja secara sempurna)
  • If Any System The Person With The Most Flexibility Will Control The System (Orang yang memiliki fleksibilitas, dialah yang mengendalikan sistem)
  • Choice is Better Than No Choice  (Memiliki pilihan lebih baik dari pada tidak ada)

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